Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sore Loser

I played Bunko tonight and confirmed the fact that I HATE to lose. I don't cry or throw things or get all moody but I really DO NOT enjoy it. Guess it is my competitive side coming out. But then I came home and realized that I have the greatest gift of all.  Albree Lyn greeted me at the door with the invitation of a back massage. SCORE!!! My sweet lovey rubbed my shoulders and then we curled up on the couch under my favorite blue blanket and watched the rest of Despicable Me. It was perfect. She was half way laying on my chest and sandwiched between me and the couch and that is how she slipped off to sleep. I love and cherish these moments.   I showered her head with kisses before I finally decided that for the sake of the circulation in my left arm I should take her to her bed.  I tucked her in which is probably not a routine I had at this age.  I'm so very thankful that by the grace of God I have arrived at this place in my life. The cycle of neglect and disappointment will not continue with me.  I know I'm not going to be the perfect parent or nowhere close but I do feel confident that my child will have a better childhood than I did and she will NEVER have her mother leave her.  Didn't mean to get quite so deep but this blogging is proving to be very therapeutic!

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