Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Snowmen and Elves....Oh my!

Tonight was a difficult and busy night.  I woke up today at 2 after working last night and started preparing for the busy day ahead of me.  In what was the worst night of my nursing career so far, Monday morning we lost a sweet angel and tonight was his visitation.  I was so anxious to face his parents because I felt that I had let them down. They were so sweet and kept telling us we were awesome yet I didn't feel that way.  Though I truly and wholeheartedly believe that everything possible was done to bring little man back, you still feel like a failure when you don't accomplish what you so desperately try to do.  I have to keep remembering that though I am a total control freak, there is and will always be someone more in control of things than myself, the ultimate controller of this crazy world we live in.  Though we might not always understand why things happen the way they do, I have to have faith that it is all part of the great big plan.

After the visitation I was able to take my mine off of things by going to Bunko.  I had a great time and got to bring little miss with me and boy that girl can roll some sixes.  I think this is part of her social training... She will be such the southern belle lol.  I came so close to winning the 2nd most wins prize but the 3 I rolled did me in :(  However both of my passengers did win which I think is jacked up lol.  No more driving for me.

Once we left Bunko we met up with my sweet hubby since he is working extra tonight on the armed robbery task force.  We got to see his sweet face for a few minutes then it was off to mcdonald's for hot chocolate and then Brookshire's for supplies for Albree's snack day.  I found a cute and simple idea on pinterest that used powdered doughnuts and candy corns.  Here are picks of the finished result:

Some I did with dark chocolate frosting and then I did 20 with mini chocolate chips.  The chocolate chips took about 3 times as long but I like the way they look.  I used the special candy corn mix with orange on top and brown on bottom as the nose.  Hope all of her little friends like them.

After the kitchen was cleaned, I had to see what the elves would be up to tonight. Fizzbee is rather mishchievious while Mallory tries to keep him in line but Fizzbee has a mind of his own.  Here are pics of their adventures so far.

Tonight Fizzbee turned the milk green and Mallory has had enough with his antics and has locked him in the refrigerator.   Cant wait to see what Miss Albree has to say about what her elves have been up to. Until next time I wish everyone a happy and wonderful evening.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


So I have definitely been missing from my blog for awhile but hopefully the following array of pictures and posts that I present will be my defense to my absence.  It is my absolute most favorite time of year: FALL. I love everything about fall-the weather, college football, festivals, hayrides, the changing colors of the leaves and my favorite holiday HALLOWEEN.  I think I like Halloween so much because it is a fun and festive holiday without all of the stress that the Christmas season can sometimes bring.

So what have I been up to? Well first I have been trying to cook more at home and the wonderful Pinterest has been bountiful with ideas.  Here are a couple creations with my favorite being the crack potatoes.  They are super easy and delicious (notice the word healthy was NOT used as a descriptor here).  All you do is mix 16oz of sour cream, 1 packet of ranch dressing mix, 1 pkg of real bacon, and 2 cups of shredded cheddar cheese together and thin mix in 1 30oz bag of shredded hashbrown potatoes.  Bake at 400 for 45-60minutes and Voila you have artery clogging bliss. The other is a creamy taco soup I pinned on Pinterest

Ok so I dont have as many food pics as I thought but I swear I was busy.  My next post will be about my Halloween Bunko and I did do quite a bit of prep work for that.  Guess I need to get back to work but I promise I will not be away as long as I was before!

Friday, September 16, 2011


I went to my first PTO meeting today.  I'm super excited to start having the opportunity to help out at Albree's school.  I always love participating in projects so I know I will enjoy it but I will probably enjoy it the most because of the whole living vicariously through my daughter thing.  I always craved a sense of normalcy during my childhood and I was always jealous of the other kids who had responsible parents that showed up for school events or could come to class and lend a helping hand.  Luckily I have a work schedule that has allowed me to be off during the week to do those very things.  I'm sure Albree will be happy to have me there but fortunately she will never appreciate it.  I say that because I will do everything in my power to make sure she never longs for her parent's attention or involvement.  I will do everything I can to be there for her whenever she needs me.  Hopefully she needs me for a long time but I know there will come  a time that she doesn't want me around as much so I am trying to soak it all in now while I can.

So I started my first duty as a PTO member by clipping my boxtops for education (this included my unopened boxes as well).  I also am on the popcorn comittee, teacher appreciation week, and candy bar fundraiser.  Let's see if this momentum carries over into the following years.

Monday, September 5, 2011

5 Amazing Years

August 15th marked the 5th year I get to be a mommy to one of the sweetest girls I know.  Albree started the day with a huge surprise.  The day before we took her Nina to the airport so that she could return back to Florida.  However due to a broken engine, Nina got to spend another night in Louisiana.  My wonderful in-laws picked her up from the airport that evening and took her back to their house because I was working.  I went over to their house when I got off and crept in to wake her up.  She was so happy that her mommy was there but she was ecstatic when Nina came around the corner.  The day before, she cried for almost 30 minutes straight because she was sooooo sad her Nina had to leave.  She said she would "give anything in the world" if her Nina could stay.  Well I guess the Lord works in mysterious ways because that little girl got her wish.  I tried to capture the moment when she saw her on my iphone but the pics did not turn out so great, however it will be a moment I will always treasure.

She got to spend the rest of the day playing with her Nina but unfortunately we had to take her to the airport again that afternoon so that she could depart home.  The waterworks began for a second time and I think this time they were slightly more intense because she thought she might be able to bring her back again.  She and I then headed home so she could visit with her daddy for a little while.  She opened up the rest of her presents from us with the help of Gumbeaux.  I had to go nap for a little while because I had to work that evening.  I did however get a chance to bake her a homemade chocolate cake with buttercream icing and pink sugar crystals.  

Her Daddy and I sang her happy birthday and she made her wish.  I'm sure she wished for a new toy or a magical unicorn but I also made a wish for my sweet baby girl.  I wish that she will have a happy and fulfilled life in which she never doubts a single day that I love her more than anything in this world.   She is a complete blessing to me and I can not imagine life without her.  In fact she is my life.  I'm not the same person as I was before I had her.  Before, I was Jamiee but I am happy to be referred to now as Albree's mom!

Albree's 5th Princess Par-Tea

I finally have all the pics together of the princess tea party honoring Miss Albree Lyn.  This party was definately one of the biggest projects I have taken on but I was really happy with the outcome.  Now of course there were things I planned that did not get done or turn out exactly as I planned  like this:

but I'm the only one who knew that and all that attended said they had a really good time.  The balloon arch did get finished and looked great but we ran into a problem trying to anchor it in the ground.  Then we laid it in the grass while we tried to device a plan and it started to pop slowly.  I was super bummed but had to move on and face the fact that it just wasn't going to work.  Maybe after years pass and I forget what a huge pain it was I will attempt this again because it looked really cool and was not very expensive to make.

I tried to make a lot of the decorations myself from different ideas I saw off of party blogs like Kara's Party Ideas.  Some of the decorations included pom pom balls made out of tissue paper.  Here is a tutorial on how to make this super easy and inexpensive decor.  I also tried to do the #5 from a party here but I ran out of the cupcake liners I was using and I went to 3 stores in town and nobody had them :(.  They were a cute pink and green plaid and I should of known when I pulled the only pack of them from the back shelf at Kroger that I was testing fate.  I also had planned on serving these really cute and delicious pink and white mini cupcakes from Kroger, but found out on the day before the party that they were a seasonal item and could not be ordered.  I had to scramble and ended up just picking some plain white mini cupcakes with sprinkles.  I was a little disappointed that I put all this planning into this party yet I had no spectacular confectionery delight as the centerpiece.   There were a lot of things that did go as planned like these ribbon topiary balls. The majority of the items were made with the help of my wonderful co workers.  The tutus, banner, topiaries and pom-poms were all made in the wee morning hours at the Schump.  I started the planning back in May and it was not a moment too soon because all of the projects took a lot of time.

The actual set up started the day before the party.  My momma flew in from FL to help and she was wonderful. Don't know how I would of done it without her.   I moved all of the furniture and decor out of the living room to set it up as our party space.  I worked til about midnight that night and left this as my starting off point

The next day we woke up bright and early and Albree called from her bed when she was ready to get up.  She wanted everything to be a surprise so we covered her eyes and she went up to her playroom while we set everything up. Here she is waiting on the stairs patiently.

The next hours involved the arch fiasco, food prep, furniture removal, and trying to find everything its perfect place.  I ran out of time to complete all of the little touches I would of like to of gotten done but this is how it all turned out:

The guests arrived and the party began with a craft I had picked up for all the girls.  It were these princess mirrors made by Melissa and Doug.  I got them online and thankfully I ordered them a month ahead of time because it took that long for them to get there.  Don't think I will ever use again.  I did fill like I got a quality item for a good price and they were a huge hit with the girls.  It was a good activity to keep them entertained while waiting on all the guests to arrive.

We then started to munch on the food.  The menu included peanut butter and jelly sandwiches cut out in heart and flower shapes, rotisserie chicken salad from Sam's on crosissant rolls (delicious), broccoli and raisin salad, cheese and crackers, deviled eggs, fruit and pink dip, and jell-o with cool whip on top in little plastic glasses from the dollar tree.  Drinks consisted of iced tea, pink lemonade and raspberry lemonade.

After everyone got their bellies filled, we started getting the girls in their princess attire.  I had spent the weeks before making tutus for all of the girls out of tulle tied around a strip of ribbon.  We luckily had 2 matching vanities made by Airianna's (albree's best friend) grandpa.  We set those up with hair at one, make up at another and we used one of Albree's little play tables as the nail station.  At the hair station the girls got their hair put in a bun and topped with a tiara.  They then went outside to get sprayed with Princess dust (glitter spray).  At the makeup station they got eyeshadow, glitter gel, lip gloss and jeweled tattoos.  At the nail station they got to pick between purple or pink polish and then they picked out their sparkly diamond ring to wear.

Once everyone was fancy, the party games began. The first was a game inspired by Princess and the Pea.  Our wonderful princess read the story to the girls so they would kind of get of an idea how the game went.  I laid out four pillows and had all the girls go into Albree's room.  I then hid a small green golf ball (from Gator Golf) under one of the pillows to represent the pea.  Each girl was brought out one by one and given a chance to sit on each pillow to guess where the pea was.  After one girl finished the others went back into the room, the pea was hidden again and then they were brought out for their chance to find the pea.  After they guessed correctly, they were given their pink wand as a reward for being a true princess.

The next game was inspired by the princess and the frog.  Instead of pinning the tail on the donkey, we tried to kiss the frog.  Albree's bathroom is princess themed, so we were able to use a frog prince she had hanging in there as our frog.  I then cut out red lips from construction paper and put tacky putty on the backs.  Each girl was blindfolded and spun around the number of years they were old.  The winner was whoever got closest to putting their lips on the frog's. Sweet baby Addison wanted to kiss the frog with her real lips so we had to let that cuteness happen.

The last game was based off of our guest of honor, Princess Aurora.  We had music playing and when it stopped the girls had to drop to the ground and "fall asleep".  The first girl to move was out.  The music then started back up and the girls would start dancing again.  Airianna was our winner so she got to be first at the sweets table.

I set up a sweets table that was a huge hit because it involved every kids favorite food: sugar.  I tried to find an assortment of candies that were pink, green or purple in color to go with the theme.  Some of my finds included pink and white marshmallows, strawberry whoppers, watermelon sour patch kids, and mike and ikes tropical flavored.  We also had pink little debbie cakes, chocolate molded princess pretzel rods, chocolate covered oreos that were molded with different princess graphics and some beautiful and delicious cake balls my friend Danielle made.  My friend Meghan came over a couple days prior and helped with the Oreos and pretzel rods because there is NO way I could of completed them without her. Each kid loaded up there bag to get sugar high at their houses later.

Next we did cupcakes.  I was able to get a big pink and green flower cupcake from Brookshire's so that Albree would kind of have something special but she politely informed me after a couple of bites that it didn't taste very good.  So she ate some of the white ones which were tasty and was perfectly content.

Last thing was presents and pictures with our princess Aurora.  Speaking of Princess Aurora, she was fantastic.  She is a sweet girl from one of my friend's church who volunteered to be a Princess at Albree and Airianna's parties.  We found her dress on eBay for $35 total.  We ordered her a long wig on Amazon when she was dressed as Rapunzel at Airianna's party and then found the blond wig for her role as Princess Aurora.  She had the mannerisms down to a tee and she was extremely helpful throughout the whole party.  Honestly it would not have been the same party had she not been there. 

Overall the party was a ton of fun and all the girls seemed to really enjoy themselves including the birthday girl. I do wish I would of gotten everything done but the smile on Albree's face let me know that I had accomplished my goal.  Her daddy said that another party like this won't happen again until she is 16 but she and I have already been talking about next year's possible theme: Mermaids!!!