Tonight was a difficult and busy night. I woke up today at 2 after working last night and started preparing for the busy day ahead of me. In what was the worst night of my nursing career so far, Monday morning we lost a sweet angel and tonight was his visitation. I was so anxious to face his parents because I felt that I had let them down. They were so sweet and kept telling us we were awesome yet I didn't feel that way. Though I truly and wholeheartedly believe that everything possible was done to bring little man back, you still feel like a failure when you don't accomplish what you so desperately try to do. I have to keep remembering that though I am a total control freak, there is and will always be someone more in control of things than myself, the ultimate controller of this crazy world we live in. Though we might not always understand why things happen the way they do, I have to have faith that it is all part of the great big plan.
After the visitation I was able to take my mine off of things by going to Bunko. I had a great time and got to bring little miss with me and boy that girl can roll some sixes. I think this is part of her social training... She will be such the southern belle lol. I came so close to winning the 2nd most wins prize but the 3 I rolled did me in :( However both of my passengers did win which I think is jacked up lol. No more driving for me.
Once we left Bunko we met up with my sweet hubby since he is working extra tonight on the armed robbery task force. We got to see his sweet face for a few minutes then it was off to mcdonald's for hot chocolate and then Brookshire's for supplies for Albree's snack day. I found a cute and simple idea on pinterest that used powdered doughnuts and candy corns. Here are picks of the finished result:
Some I did with dark chocolate frosting and then I did 20 with mini chocolate chips. The chocolate chips took about 3 times as long but I like the way they look. I used the special candy corn mix with orange on top and brown on bottom as the nose. Hope all of her little friends like them.
After the kitchen was cleaned, I had to see what the elves would be up to tonight. Fizzbee is rather mishchievious while Mallory tries to keep him in line but Fizzbee has a mind of his own. Here are pics of their adventures so far.
Tonight Fizzbee turned the milk green and Mallory has had enough with his antics and has locked him in the refrigerator. Cant wait to see what Miss Albree has to say about what her elves have been up to. Until next time I wish everyone a happy and wonderful evening.
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